December 12 2018
Cava for the catalan language

This December, along with “Plataforma per la llengua” we have presented ‘Cava per la llengua’, a solidarity initiative that aims to promote the Catalan language.

This year’s edition is a “cava brut reserve” made with the varieties xarel·lo, parellada and macabeu, as well as a little of chardonnay, aged for 30-months.

The design of the bottle is from the artist Jaume Borrell, Perejaume, who explained that it represents a Eduard Fontseré’s  map of the “Observatori del Turó de l’Home”, located in the Montseny, and shows an allegory of the language based on the shape of the “Turó de l’Home” mountain.

The cava can be bought at Bon Preu Esclat.

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