El Relleu Solidari


When restaurants were forced to close on 14 March 2020 due to COVID-19, Sumarroca promoted an initiative, together with its usual collaborators, to work altruistically and set up the Relleu Solidari (Solidarity Relay). This proposal involved donating bottles of wine and extra virgin olive oil at no cost to the restaurants, which benefited by receiving the full price for the bottle.

The companies who took part in the solidarity relay with Sumarroca were Òbal Estudi, which designed the label; and Vidal i Armadans which printed it; Saica Pack, which supplied the boxes; Canals, which supplied the capsules; and Bourrassé, which supplied the corks. La Fatxenda handled the audiovisual editing.

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca