Raw material improvement actions

Sumarroca works together with the suppliers of its raw materials to achieve its sustainability goals. We adopt new measures each year to reduce the impact of our activity on the environment. These are some of the actions we have taken:

– Reducing the weight of the bottles. Over the last 10 years, this has led to a 25% reduction in our carbon footprint- Reducing the weight of cardboard boxes by 36% . They are made from 100% recycled and recyclable material

– Eliminating the use of expanded polystyrene boxes for shipping samples, replacing them with 100% recycled and recyclable cardboard

– Replacing plastic seals with paper seals and introducing a more lightweight pallet wrap made of sustainable and degradable plastic

– Returning the label backing paper to the supplier for re-use

– New sugar cane capsules and water-based inks for the Núria Claverol and Gran Reserva Brut Nature cavas

– Using ultraviolet technology to dry the screen printing ink on Núria Claverol bottles instead of using ovens that have higher CO2 emissions

– Water fountains have been installed and reusable glass bottles are provided to eliminate plastic bottles

– Selective waste collection: all the waste we generate is separated and managed correctly. We carry out awareness campaigns for our staff. We have increased the number of collection containers. Separate collection of paper/cardboard, plastic, muselets, scrap metal, electronic material, batteries, packaging with pollutant content, ink cartridges, etc.

– Recovering wine by-products (grape marc and wine lees) for biofuel. The grape stems are used for composting

– Using paper material (office paper and envelopes), promotional material, coffee cups, business cards and other products made from 100% recycled paper

– Implementing electronic invoicing to reduce transport

– Using environmentally-friendly detergents and cleaning products.

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca