Save the Children

Faced with the state of emergency and the lockdown of the population as a result of COVID-19, Sumarroca offered a home delivery service of food, wine and cava and, at the same time, began a social cooperation initiative. For each product purchased in their online shop, Sumarroca donated €1 to the A tu lado project organised by Save the Children Spain, which was set up during the pandemic specifically to help children from some 6,500 families, giving them access to basic food, psychological care and the possibility of continuing their education.

Cooperating and seeking solutions together offers the way out of this terrible situation that has shaken our society. From their winery, the Sumarroca family will continue to look for ways to move forward together and enjoy our health and a healthy environment. Every person makes a difference!

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca