February 18 2019
Sustainability, a way of working

Over the last 50 years it has been estimated that there has been an increase in temperature of 1ºC and the studies confirm that if measures are not taken, this increase can be from 3 to 5ºC in 2100. This increase is the result of The impact of greenhouse gases such as CO2, target, nitrogen oxide and fluorinated gases.

With this reflection, Sumarroca wants to reduce the carbon footprint and solidarize with the 2020 commitment, which shows that 20 industrialized and emerging countries try to curb climate change.

Sumarroca is working on the management of emissions through ACO2rds Voluntaris, an initiative of the Catalan Office for Climate Change, a body that is dependent on the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The work of sustainability has begun to be done in the vineyard and we have finished it in the offices, going through the winery. By way of summary, the vineyards of Sumarroca are already 100% ecological. We use 100% organic fertilizer, from our own composting plant; We work in the environment respectfully, we preserve the soil and the forest, we protect the native fauna and we care about its repopulation, we use low emissions and atomizadoras machinery with more emissions and less emissions.

On the other hand, in the cellar we use auxiliaries of natural use, reduce the use of sulfur and eliminate the leaks. In addition, we recover the tartrates generated during processing, reduce the use of soda products through recovery and selective collection of cardboard, plastic, metal, wood or ink of printers.

These actions will be extended soon with monographic articles in this blog.

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca