May 21 2019
The magic of Montserrat

Sumarroca is the landscape that surrounds it. If you walk through Molí Coloma it is logical to find the vines, but you can also find the Anoia river and on a clear day, see the Montserrat mountains.

Montserrat is a place of pilgrimage par excellence of the Catalans but every day hundreds of tourists from around the world visit the magical mountain not only to visit the ‘Moreneta’ or Escolani a, but also to climb and walk through the wonderful landscape that it offers.

The mountain is the geographical center of Catalonia and is formed by a set of giant rocks with a unique shape that stand out from the landscape and is surrounded by flat lands.

The climate of the zone presents strong contrasts in spaces that are relatively close, therefore it is necessary to mention that the mountain has microclimates. This is due to the rugged topography of the mountain that presents sudden changes in altitude.

As far as the temperature is concerned, the average is at 13.5ºC and the affectation of the marinade is evident, since dense mists are formed that cause a degree of humidity, beneficial for the plant environment.

At the foot of the mountain we find one of the best known wine regions of Catalonia, the Penedès, which at the same time, is influenced by the microclimates generated by the mountain.

According to our winemaker, Òscar Llombart, the mountain of Montserrat is located to the north of our vineyards and, therefore, is a wall of 1,000 meters that slows a bit the air coming from the north. The most important aspect that gives us is the channeling from east to west of the marinade from the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, it ventilates the vineyards, reducing diseases.

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca