January 10 2019
2018 Vintage, ecological vintage

Last 2014 we made the decision to officially certify ourselves as an ecological winery and after four years, and processes of adaptation to the vineyard and cava, we can make official that the Sumarroca’s 2018 vintage is already ecologic and organic. Thus, wines such as the classic Sumarroca, the Posidonia or the Temps de Flors and Temps de Fruits can already be found on the market with the official seal of the CCPAE.

In Sumarroca we have always invested in and support the global environment and our closest ecosystem and now, additionally, we still have become more aware of the total respect for natural products, without the use of fertilizers or pesticides or genetically modified organisms. Actually, we were the first to introduce pheromones in the vineyard in order to avoid, by natural means, the vine weevil.

We take care of and pamper the production processes in order to offer our consumers wines and cavas with exceptional organoleptic properties and quality.

The processes used respect the natural cycles of the crop and the biological activity of the soil, thus avoiding the degradation of ecosystems, and do not incorporate substances or residues that can be harmful to human health.

But this philosophy put into practice has been a huge investment to preventively treat our more than 400 ha. The authorized basic preventive treatments are copper (prevention of “mildew”) and sulfur (prevention of powdery mildew).

These treatments must be carried out immediately before a change of the weather and, most importantly, at the same time in the more than 100 plots that we have.

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca