
Our Collaboration with the Residea Project


At Sumarroca, we are pleased to be part of the Residea project, an initiative of the Servei de Promoció de l’Èxit Educatiu i Noves Oportunitats of the Department of Education of Catalonia, which complements the Programs of Training and Insertion (PFI) with the aim of improving educational quality and academic success through personalization, inclusion, and educational innovation. Throughout the development of the PFIs in different centers across Catalonia, we have actively participated in activities aimed at promoting environmental awareness, which has led to our collaboration with Residea.


Residea focuses on promoting the circular economy through the implementation of proposals that encourage ideation and creativity by reusing waste provided by companies, turning them into resources. This project has a triple impact:


  • Environmental: We reduce business waste and incorporate them into innovation and circularity within the classrooms.
  • Social: We provide pedagogical resources for PFI classrooms, where students, together with expert professionals, develop circular economy projects.
  • Economic: We contribute to working on circularity by turning waste into resources.

At Sumarroca, we have contributed by providing wine and cava corks that have been taken to the classrooms of a specific PFI. Through creative thinking and prototyping sessions, students transform these waste materials into new useful and creative products. Additionally, we have collaborated directly with the PFI of nurseries and gardens of the Department of Education at our facilities. Students had the opportunity to learn about pruning procedures and some aspects of wine and cava tasting and production in a day filled with enthusiasm and learning.


At Sumarroca, we firmly believe in the importance of education and sustainability, and we are committed to contributing to initiatives that promote both values.

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca