Natura 2000 Network

The Sumarroca Estate, in the municipality of Piera, forms part of the Natura 2000 Network. The aim of this European network of natural spaces is to make the protection of species and natural and semi-natural habitats compatible with the human activities carried out in them, ensuring that the habitats and species are maintained in good condition to prevent their deterioration.

Our estate includes an area of vineyards and woods where native fauna that have found the ideal living conditions can easily be spotted, repopulated by certain unusual species of birds and amphibians. It acts as a “green lung” for the area, given that our minimal intervention processes in the vineyards respect soil preservation and do not endanger the conservation of the forest mass.

The two streams running through the estate, Torrent de Can Batllevell and Torrent de Santa Cruz, act as biological corridors because of their riverside shrub species. The depth of these two streams and their vegetation provide the perfect refuge for fauna and nesting woodland birds. The presence of Eurasian sparrowhawks and northern goshawks has been observed in these areas. Other species observed here are the serin, greenfinch, chaffinch, linnet, cirl bunting, red-necked nightjar, European nightjar, great tit, blue tit, coal tit, long-tailed tit, woodchat shrike, little owl, tawny owl and Eurasian eagle owl, among other species.

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca