Terra, Vine i Dona

As part of the Tastos amb Cor (Tastings with a Heart) project, Sumarroca has signed a cooperation agreement with the association Talent Femení and its project Terra, Vine i Dona. Talent Femení is a non-profit association of women entrepreneurs, businesswomen and professionals, which was set up with the aim of creating a network of contacts and mutual support to improve the women’s lives and help them successfully meet the challenges they face.

The association launched Terra, Vine i Dona, an insertion programme aimed at women who are or have been victims of male violence, who live in situations of poverty or social exclusion and who wish to start a work programme with a training itinerary that will provide them with the tools and strategies to overcome their difficulties.

Sumarroca organises a series of activities related to knowledge of the world of wine, vineyards and tasting techniques to support this initiative. All money raised goes entirely to the Association.

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca