Ecological Concern

Respect for the Environment

Lungs of the Penedés

Fauna and Flora

Sustainable Energy

Materials with Guarantee

Research and Responsibility

Sumarroca with Heart

Wine Tourism

Committed Team

Ecological Concern
The respect for the territory and for our vineyards and fields has meant the fact that we have the Certification of Ecological Vineyard, therefore, our elaborations have the seal of guarantee of the Catalan Council of Ecological Agricultural Production (CCPAE). We respect the natural process of the vineyard and its environment and we use products that ensure the minimum human intervention.
We incorporate spontaneous or seeded vegetation covered to help prevent erosion and soil structure, to favour the activity of microorganisms and to create a humid layer.
This acquired awareness means having a healthy environment also at the level of flora and fauna.
Respect for the Environment
We return to the earth the fruit that has given to us, the remaining of pruning and vegetables are introduced to our own composting plant and we use them as a fertilizer for the soil. A balanced soil has direct consequences for the good condition of the grapes. In organic farming only organic fertilizers and amendments and some of the natural mineral origin are allowed.
We carry out the treatments of the vineyard performing non-invasive and environmentally friendly treatments.
We respect the environment and avoid having a negative impact on our ecosystems.
Lungs of the Penedés
At the Sumarroca Farm we have 200ha of forest that allows us to be a lung for the Penedès. In addition, the minimum intervention to the vineyards, does not endanger the conservation of the forest mass, also preserving the soil.
The provision of a water raft in the middle of the Estate has led some species to come back, some in danger of extinction in the area and has encouraged their repopulation. This raft feeds on the runoff of the fields and is an important area for the reproduction of several amphibian species in the area, such as the Pánfilo, Gripauet, Toad Runner, Green Frog and Reineta. In recent years the reproduction of Duck Collverd and the Cabusset has also been detected, as well as the presence of Bernat Pescaire. It should also be noted that it is a drinking place for dozens of species that live in this place.
Part of our farm is listed within the Natura 2000 Network being an important nesting and hunting area for the partridge eagle.
Fauna and Flora
Our estate extension covers vineyards and forests where it is easy to find native fauna that has found the right living conditions and it has been shown that certain species of birds and amphibians have been reforested.
The two torrents that run along the farm, the Torrent de Can Batllevell and the Torrent de Santa Creu with riparian shrub species, act as biological corridors. Due to the depth of the streams and their vegetation, they represent an ideal refuge for wildlife and for the nesting of forest birds. It has been possible to detect the presence of specimens of Common Sparrow and Astor in these funds. Other species observed in the area are the Gafarró, Verdú, Pinsà common, Passerell, Gratapalles, Siboc, Decepters, Mallerenga Carbonera, Blue Mallerenga, Mallerenga Petita and Mallerenga cuallarga, Capsigrany, Common Owl, Gamarús, Duke, among other species.
Sustainable Energy
The real commitment of Bodegas Sumarroca for sustainability has led to its adherence to the program ‘A Voluntary CO2rds of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Catalan Office of Climate Change’, aimed at carrying out actions to reduce the greenhouse effect gas emissions. The first year of action achieved a reduction of carbon emissions to the atmosphere of 15%.
Adaptation of the facilities to make them more energy efficient with the replacement of incandescent bulbs with LEDES. The first year of action was able to reduce emissions due to electricity consumption by 24%.
At Bodegas Sumarroca we have a biological treatment plant that collects water from the environment to clean it and be suitable for irrigation.
Materials with Guarantee
Sumarroca’s philosophy is not only found in the vineyard, but also in the working methods of the winery and the market. We use bottles with less weight, boxes, cardboard seals and plastic seals to pack the pallets with ecological certificate.
The boxes and the seal of the boxes of the wines and cavas Sumarroca are made of recycled cardboard and comply with the FSC certificate of sustainable origin that consists in improving the management of the forest masses, curbing illegal logging and promoting the conservation of forests more threatened.
The pallet wrapping film is 100% recyclable and despite being thinner, it guarantees the safe transport of the goods.
Printing of the promotional material on recycled paper and merchandising design in environmentally friendly materials.
Separation of waste so they can have a second life. Sending the cork at the Cork Institute so that they can convert it into insulating material, the flower of the olive tree and the pruning remains are sent to make the composting.
Research and Responsibility
We are in constant search to have distributors that offer us more sustainable proposals at the level of packaging and that generate the least waste.
We carry out calculation studies that allow us to measure the carbon footprint and develop improvement plans to reduce it. We also carry out energy audits in order to have studies of the evolution of efficiency within the company.
Our technical team works with low-intervention, honest manufacturing systems and incorporates amphorae and cement egg-keeping methods.
Sumarroca with Heart
We generate experiences around the wine glass, create environments and sensations, explain stories and share all of them with an activity that creates an associative environment, which is very beneficial for people who may be at risk of loneliness or social exclusion.
We have conducted tastings by non-profit entities such as the Friends of the Elderly. In addition, we open the doors of our winery for guided tours or activities for the benefit of social and solidarity actions.
Together, with wineries and local collaborators we organize events obtaining benefits that will be destined to local non-profit entities.
We beat!
Wine Tourism
Adhesion to the Barcelona BIOSPHERE agreement that contemplates the execution of activities with the minimum negative impact on the environment.
We encourage economic activity and local commerce with the purchase of local products for tastings and wine tourism visits.
Respect for the environment and the territory also reaches the trade fairs, with the assembly of stands with recycled and recyclable material. Making known and promoting ecological and sustainable awareness to all visitors.
We present Bodegas Sumarroca with an ecological discourse and respect for the environment. We want to publicize our philosophy of land work and demonstrate that the minimum intervention of the human being is favourable to have a living ecosystem and a clean and healthy environment.
We have the possibility to make visits for people with reduced mobility since we have spaces with accessibility.
Committed Team
We carry out awareness-raising tasks with the entire team through communications informing of the improvements in terms of ecology and sustainability that are being carried out, as well as the improvement of actions that are to be undertaken, not only applicable to the winery, but also within the personal sphere.
We prepare recycling plans and our facilities are adapted with containers for selective collection.
Installation of water sources to replace water bottles and use of glass bottles for internal consumption to ensure the reduction of the amount of disposable plastic.
To promote at all times the ecological treatment of our farms, in addition to promote increasingly natural techniques and with less intervention in our elaborated ones.
Priority in the use of materials from ecological and recycled materials, environmentally friendly.
Continue innovating in technological improvements for energy saving and always have the acquisition of equipment and machinery that meets the highest levels of efficiency.
Advertising material recycled and recyclable, plus the reduction of paper and plastic.
Talks / Courses / Internal training for workers.
Communication plan that includes more awareness messages for internal and external application.
We contribute!