Espiells Terra de Vi

Sumarroca is a founding member of the association Espiells Terra de Vi, which was set up with the aim of protecting the Alt Penedès region, specifically the northern wine-growing area, a vineyard land full of potential.

Its main aims are to promote knowledge of the natural and agricultural wealth of the area and the importance of preserving, conserving and protecting this agricultural land in order to preserve its ecosystem and biodiversity and to ensure sustainable development. The Association also aims to contribute to the improvement of the landscape and environmental values associated with revitalising the economic activity of the area and to enhance the value of the natural heritage and preservation of the rural environment.

The Association’s work is focused on seven key areas that make up the identity of the territory: agriculture and viticulture; wineries, agricultural and agri-food companies; history, heritage and culture; landscapes and sustainability; knowledge and training; wine tourism and services; and local entities and associations.

Find out more at @espiellsterravi

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca