March 27 2020
Sumarroca stands in solidarity with those affected by COVID-19

The winery will give € 1 for each bottle of cava or wine it sells, in the “A tu lado” program of the NGO Save the Children

Given the state of emergency and the population’s confinement situation, Bodegues Sumarroca wants to deliver essential wine, cava and food to the home via the online website
In addition, the winery is committed to taking it one step further and undertaking an initiative within the Sumarroca con corazón project where, for each bottle purchased, € 1 will go to the “A tu lado”(At your Side) program of the NGO Save the Children. This has been created specifically to care for the most vulnerable children at the moment of some 6,500 families and give them access to basic food, psychological care and the possibility of continuing with an education.

During these days it is important to be aware that there are families, not to forget single parents, that their income does not allow them to get out of poverty.
The NGO Save the Children is preparing subscriptions for basic foods, psychological support services and accompaniment for parents with parenting guidelines and positive education. Also educational intervention programs through a distance school network and provision of technological tools such as internet connection or distribution of tablets.

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca