September 24 2020
Affiliated with the international seal of Sustainable Tourism Biosphere

We are already attached to the BIOSPHERE Sustainable Tourism seal, the internationally recognized certification of tourism sustainability that consists of taking into account the current and future repercussions on the economic, socio-cultural, and environmental aspects, when designing a tourism system.
The project is led by the Barcelona Provincial Council, with the support of the Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR), a body linked to UNESCO and a partner of the World Tourism Organization and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, whose main purpose is to implement a management more sustainable in all agents of a tourist destination.

We understand this principle of sustainability in a global way, involving clients, users, workers… to make our world a better place.

This is a further recognition of our efforts on ecology, inclusion and accessibility, gender equality or social aspects (such as our Catas con Corazón project or collaborations with entities and foundations such as: Cuina Justa, Fundació Ginesta, Aflote …


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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca