Request a "gift voucher" and surprise your family and friends.

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Advance reservation:
938 911 092
There is a special charm in outdoor dining, the fresh air, the views, the sounds of nature. Designed exclusively for groups and companies, our experience begins with a tour exploring our rich heritage and the meticulous craftsmanship behind our wines and cavas. Afterward, enjoy a tasting session featuring three of our finest products. The highlight of the experience lets you choose between two options: witnessing a live paella preparation or enjoying a BBQ showcooking, skillfully prepared by our chefs before your eyes. Join in and participate if you wish! Complete your culinary journey with a tasting of our Molí Coloma homemade oils, an essential part of the Mediterranean diet. This experience not only delights the palate but also showcases our culinary traditions and dedication to quality craftsmanship.

Subject to availability

Subject to availability

Subject to availability


Bodegues Sumarroca

Advance reservation:
938 911 092
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