November 12 2021
Sumarroca Group gives 4,500 jars of beans to non-profit entity

The Sumarroca Group donation will go to families without resources

The Sumarroca family, through its food distributor Selfoods, has delivered 4,500 jars of beans to the humanitarian organization Cáritas.

The distribution of these 4500 jars will be made through its own headquarters based in San Feliu de Llobregat and will supply some 1500 families using several points in Garraf and Alt Penedès.

Cooperating and seeking solutions together is the way out of situations of vulnerability. The group that runs the Sumarroca family will continue to look for ways to move forward together in order to enjoy the well-being of people and their entire environment.

Sumarroca amb Cor

The Sumarroca Group promotes “Sumarroca amb Cor” (Sumarroca heart)  project that aims to bring experiences around a glass of wine, cava or grape juice to the most vulnerable groups, creating sensations and associative environments, very beneficial for people who may be at risk of loneliness or social exclusion. Activities have been carried out with “Els Amics de la Gent Gran” or the “Creu Roja Alt Penedès” and “Terra, Vine y Dona” (project to help and integrate abused women into the workplace). Spaces in the winery have also been assigned to carry out activities organized by non-profit organizations.

The Group also collaborates with the donation of food products to projects that are committed to social service and the integral development of the population, such as Cáritas.

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52  −    =  49

Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca