February 11 2020
We believe in Cuina Justa, a social value project

In our commitment to the social economy, in Bodegas Sumarroca we work with the “Cuina Justa” project of the Cassià Just Foundation. Founded in 1994, the organization’s mission is to provide employment opportunities in the world of gastronomy to people with fragility, mental illness and/or at risk of social exclusion, as well as providing quality, handcrafted, upcoming and healthy.

The philosophy of Cuina Justa goes hand in hand with the Brand Attributes of our winery, they are artisans, they cook without haste, they are close, sustainable and local. Also in the sense of selecting suppliers of km 0 and organic. The initiative includes an own orchard that has the CCPAE ecological certificate located in the Baix Llobregat Agricultural Park where seasonal produce is grown.

From the various collaborative approaches they propose, Sumarroca chooses to buy and consume Cuina Justa in the tourism activities and of internal events such as business meetings, corporate breakfasts or meals by internal staff at fairs.

At Bodegues Sumarroca we have focused on this project, which is committed to quality in people and products, creating social and economic value and generating profit for the worker, for the company and for society. We are committed to contributing to the latter to ensure a good life for all, acquiring the value of social concerns, inequalities or the environment.

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Bodegues Sumarroca

Bodegues Sumarroca